Get involved


Can you help us?

We’re mostly volunteers, fitting this in between work, kids and life. We have a never-ending list of things we’d like to do, and we always need help. Everyone is welcome - male, female, old or young!

Are you able to proof-read a quick article, do a five minute online response to a local consultation, put flyers up in your local area, brainstorm campaign ideas with us at our monthly meetings, carry out some research, take some photos, design a poster, draft a letter, help run a market stall or spread the word about air pollution amongst your friends? (Not all at once 🤪).

If you have even half an hour a week to spare, and any of the above tasks sound like your thing, please get in touch with us. We currently have two local groups in London, in Lambeth/Southwark and Redbridge, and a group in Greater Manchester. Let us know if you’d like to join any of our local meetings or campaigns.