
Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

General Election 2024

The general election is finally here. This is our chance to stand up for our children and vote for clean air, climate action and a better, healthier future for us all. We want to ensure that strong action to tackle air pollution is at the top of the agenda.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Greater Manchester Mayoral Election 2024

Residents in Greater Manchester head to the polls to elect their next Mayor on 2nd May 2024. As part of a coalition of groups that includes Clean Cities Campaign, Walk Ride GM, Manchester Friends of the Earth, Sustrans, Living Streets and Asthma and Lung UK, we are highlighting the dirty secret of GM’s very high air pollution levels.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

London Mayoral Election 2024

The London Mayoral election will be held on 2nd May 2024. Despite the amount of progress made on cleaning up London’s air over the last few years, we need London’s next Mayor to go much further if we want children to be truly protected from the lifelong health impacts of air pollution.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Manchester City Council Elections 2024

Residents in Manchester City Council head to the polls on 2nd May 2024 and we are campaigning to ensure that strong action to tackle air pollution is high on the council agenda.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Ditch Diesel

Diesel is the single biggest contributor of nitrogen oxides and nitrogen dioxide on our roads, and there are an estimated 2.5 million diesel cars on the road in the UK emitting suspiciously high levels of air pollution.

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Jane Dutton Jane Dutton

Wood Burning

Many people have positive associations with wood burning – as a cosy, attractive way to heat a room, or as an allegedly carbon-neutral fuel, yet even the most ‘eco-friendly’ wood burning stoves emit high levels of particulate matter (PM).

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Natasha Shaw Natasha Shaw

London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone

London’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) is the world’s largest pollution charging zone. It was first introduced in 2019 and has been expanded twice, becoming London-wide in 2023.

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Natasha Shaw Natasha Shaw

School Streets

School Streets is a pioneering initiative to transform the roads outside schools so that only pedestrians and cyclists can use them at school drop off and pick up times.

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Natasha Shaw Natasha Shaw


Idling is a frustrating and unnecessary source of air pollution. Many parents in our network have repeatedly witnessed it happening outside schools, in town centres, playgrounds and at hospitals.

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Natasha Shaw Natasha Shaw

Legislation and Consultations

Mums for Lungs believes that government and local authorities are not doing enough to address the public health crisis of air pollution.

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