Why don’t you campaign on…

…the tube, low traffic neighbourhoods, incinerators, perfumes or air fresheners, mould, flame retardants, VOCs in paints…?

Mums for Lungs is a small organisation of part-time staff greatly supported by volunteers across the country. As such we need to be very focused in our work; we cannot campaign on everything that impacts air pollution and so we constantly review our priorities and campaigns.

Our aim is for air pollution to be reduced as quickly as possible to improve everyone’s health, especially that of children and the vulnerable. Therefore, our campaigns focus on schemes and policies that are proven to reduce air pollution widely and where we believe our voice can have the biggest impact with our limited resources. We are generally focused on holding the Government to account, reducing pollution from transport through Clean Air Zones, School Streets and phasing out diesel vehicles, and we are one of the leading voices in the campaign against wood burning as a secondary mode of heating.

We sometimes collaborate or lend support to other organisations’ campaigns and we feature all our own campaigns on our campaigns page, so take a look here if you want to know more about them. Please email us if you would like us to support your campaign or if you want to get involved with ours.


Time is running out for clean air


Raising air pollution awareness in Brent